The 36th Conference
on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
(ROCLING 2024)

November 4th-5th, Academia Sinica, Taipei City, Taiwan

About the Conference

The 36th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2024) is the annual conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP). It is a renowned international conference in the fields of natural language processing and speech processing, held annually. With a long history of thirty-five sessions, its research themes encompass various issues and related applications in natural language and speech signal processing. This year's conference will be hosted by Academia Sinica. The conference will feature keynote speeches by invited experts and scholars, as well as contributions from academia and industry, which will undergo a rigorous peer review process. High-quality papers will be presented, and there will also be a presentation of research project results funded by the National Science Council. In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have realized the capabilities of fluent dialogue, responsive interactions, and question comprehension in artificial intelligence, garnering widespread public interest and attention in the development of natural language and speech processing. This year's ROCLING conference anticipates that experts, scholars, and technical personnel interested in natural language and speech will explore the depth and breadth of research and applications in computational linguistics.


Academia Sinica, Taipei City, Taiwan


November 4 (Monday) to 5 (Tuesday), 2024

Important Dates

Paper Submission Due
August 31, 2024 September 7, 2024 (Extended)
Notification of Acceptance
September 24, 2024
Early Registration Ends
October 11, 2024
Camera-Ready Due
October 5, 2024
Late Registration Ends
October 21, 2024
On-Site Registration
November 4-5, 2024
Conference Date
November 4-5, 2024

All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC/GMT +08:00 (Asia/Taipei)

day, 00 month 0000

Call for Papers

ROCLING 2024 invites paper submissions reporting original research results and system development experiences as well as real-world applications. Each submission will be reviewed based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and relevance to the conference. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as poster presentations. Both oral and poster presentations will be published in the ROCLING 2024 conference proceedings and included in the ACL Anthology. A number of papers will be selected and invited for extension into journal versions and publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (IJCLCLP).

Page Limitation

Papers can be written and presented in either Chinese or English. Papers should be made in PDF format and submitted online through the paper submission system. Submitted papers may consist of 4-8 pages of content, plus unlimited references. Upon acceptance, final versions will be given additional pages of content (up to 9 pages) so that reviewers’ comments can be taken into account.

Relevant topics

ROCLING 2024 mainly targets two scientific tracks: natural language processing and speech processing. The generative artificial intelligence topic is also welcomed.

Natural Language Processing

  • Cognitive/Psychological Linguistics
  • Discourse and Pragmatics
  • Dialogue System
  • Information Extraction
  • Information Retrieval
  • Language Generation
  • Machine Translation
  • NLP Applications
  • Phonology, Morphology and Word Segmentation
  • Question Answering
  • Resources and Evaluation
  • Semantics: Lexical, Sentence-Level, Textual Inference
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Summarization
  • Syntax: Tagging, Chunking and Parsing
  • Others

Speech Processing

  • Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition
  • Phonetics, Phonology and Prosody
  • Analysis of Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
  • Speaker and Language Identification
  • Analysis of Speech and Audio Signals
  • Speech Coding and Enhancement
  • Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation
  • Speech Recognition
  • Spoken Dialog Systems and Analysis of Conversation
  • Spoken Language Processing: Retrieval, Translation, Summarization, Resources and Evaluation
  • Others

Online submission system

Paper submissions must use the official ROCLING 2024 style templates (Latex and Word) and download here. Submission is electronic, using the EasyChair conference management system. The submission site is available at

As the reviewing will be double-blind, papers must not include authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity must be avoided. Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Papers may be accompanied by a resource (software and/or data) described in the paper, but these resources should be anonymized as well.


Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB) of Academia Sinica

Registration Location: 3rd floor of HSSB

Opening Ceremony Location: 1st Conference Room

Keynote I Location: 1st Conference Room

Speaker: Heng Ji, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Coffee Break Location: 3rd floor of HSSB

Oral Session I (Thesis Award Winners' Presentation)Location: 1st Confernece Room

LunchLocation: Lobby B, 4th floor of HSSB

ACLCLP AssemblyLocation: 1st Conference Room

Keynote II Location: 1st Conference Room

Speaker: Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, University of Palermo

Coffee Break Location: 3rd floor of HSSB

Oral Session IILocation: 1st Conference Room

Oral Session IIILocation: 2nd Conference Room


Keynote III Location: 1st Conference Room

Speaker: Eduard Hovy, Carnegie Mellon University

Coffee Break Location: 3rd floor of HSSB

Oral Session IVLocation: 1st Conference Room

Oral Session VLocation: 2nd Conference Room

Lunch Location: Lobby B, 4th floor of HSSB

Poster SessionLocation: 3rd floor of HSSB

Oral Session VI (Best Paper Candidates)Location: 1st Conference Room

Closing Ceremony Location: 1st Conference Room

Best Paper Award Winners Announced

Presentation Guidelines

For Oral Presentations:

  • Presentations may be conducted in either English or Chinese.
  • Each presentation will be allocated 20 minutes for the presentation itself, included a 4-minute session for questions and answers, and an additional 1-minute break for a change of speakers.
  • Presenters are kindly requested to introduce themselves to the session chairs before the commencement of their oral session.
  • Each room will be equipped with:
    • A laptop computer (Windows OS), which can load PPT and PDF
    • A projector
    • A shared Internet connection
    • an audio system
    • The display connectors for the screen are both HDMI and VGA.
  • Presenters who want to use their laptop for their presentation must bring their adapter to connect to the HDMI/VGA cable and any audio connectors if they have a non-standard audio-out port.
  • Before the session, presenters should inform the session chair and test that their computer and adapter work with the projector in the room.
  • A wireless internet connection will be available in the presentation rooms.

For Poster Presentations:

  • Posters are in A1 size (59.4 cm wide x 84.1 cm high, or 23.4 inches x 33.1 inches).
  • Presenters are advised to mount their posters before the start of the session and dismount them after the end of the session.
  • Materials to fix the posters will be available on-site.


Time Zone: UTC/GMT +08:00 (Asia/Taipei)


Before October 11, 2024

  • ACLCLP Member: NT$ 5,000
  • ACLCLP Non-Member: NT$ 6,000

  • ACLCLP Member: NT$ 2,000
  • ACLCLP Non-Member: NT$ 2,500


October 12 - October 21, 2024

  • ACLCLP Member: NT$ 5,500
  • ACLCLP Non-Member: NT$ 6,500

  • ACLCLP Member: NT$ 2,500
  • ACLCLP Non-Member: NT$ 3,000


November 4 - 5, 2024

  • ACLCLP Member: NT$ 6,000
  • ACLCLP Non-Member: NT$ 7,000

  • ACLCLP Member: NT$ 3,000
  • ACLCLP Non-Member: NT$ 3,500


  • 一般參與者且不具學生身份者需註冊 Regular Fee。一般參與者且具學生身份者可選擇註冊 Student Fee。
  • 每篇會議論文(包含shared tasks)的發表至少要有一位作者在早鳥註冊截止前繳交一般報名費 (regular fee)。
  • 報名費含大會午餐、茶點及晚宴,報名費一經繳費後恕不接受退費,會後將郵寄相關資料予報名者。
  • ACLCLP Member 為「中華民國計算語言學學會」之有效會員。
  • 本年度尚未繳交年費之舊會員或失效之會員,與會身份/Category請勾選「….(會員+會費)」,勿再重複申請入會。
  • 非會員欲同時申請入會者,請先至學會網頁之「會員專區」申請加入會員;報名時「與會身份/Category」請勾選「….(會員+會費)」。(前往會員專區)
  • 以「學生新會員」及「學生非會員」身份報名者,請於報名時上傳學生身份證明。
  • 贊助單位敬請於10月21日前完成報名手續。
  • 報名費收據將於會議當日報到時交付。

Registration Details

  • A regular fee must be paid by the general participants (not a student). Students (general participants) can choose to pay the student fee.
  • Before early registration due, each publication paper (including shared tasks) must have at least one author pay a regular fee.
  • Registration fee includes lunches, coffee breaks, and banquet. Registration fees are non-refundable.
  • International registrants have to pay by credit card only (Visa or MasterCard). Receipt will be provided on-site.
  • A copy of a valid student ID must be uploaded into the system when registering as a student.
  • Sponsor should be registed before October 21.


  • Early Registration: 10/11 以前,報名費應於 10/17 前繳交。
  • Late Registration: 10/1210/21 ,報名費應於 10/28 前繳交,線上刷卡繳費者需於 10/31 前完成繳費。
  • On-Site Registration: 10/21 線上報名截止,擬參加者,請至大會現場報名。

Important Dates for Registration

  • Early Registration due by October 11. Payment must be received before October 17.
  • Registration between October 12 and October 21. Payment must be received before October 31.
  • The registration site will be closed on October 21. After that, please register on-site.

Methods of Payment

  • 郵政劃撥/Postal
  • 線上刷卡繳費/credit card on-line。

For registration inquiries, please contact

  • 聯絡人:何婉如 小姐(中華民國計算語言學學會/ACLCLP)
  • Phone Number: 02-27881638


Conference Chairs

Program Chairs

Yao-Chung Fan
National Chung Hsing University

Organized by

Academia Sinica

The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing

Conference Venue

Conference venue location info and gallery

Humanities and Social Science Building (HSSB), Academia Sinica.

No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 11529


11529 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號